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List of School Management Committee Members With Their Designation / Occupation

SNo Position Fullname Designation Address Mobile Email
1 Chairperson (F) Ms. Nuzhat Rehman Teacher Bugam, Kulgam 7006320331 nuzhatrehman8@gmail.com
2 Vice-Chairman (M) Mr. Md. Afzal Bhat Engineer Kanipora, Kulgam 7006055925 afzalbhat47@yahoo.com
3 Member Secretary (M) Mr. Javid Ahmad Bhat Headmaster Middle & High School Bonigam Qazigund 7006877168 javid.bhat@aa.academy
4 Member AAA faculty (F) Ms. Ruhi Jan Headmistress Lower School Batapora, Shopian 9149412331 rohi.jan@aa.academy
5 Member AAA faculty (M) Mr. M. Ismail Bhat Faculty – AAA Kanipora, Kulgam 9596169190 ismail.bhat@aa.academy
6 Member AAA Family (F) Ms. Tehseena Kowsar Faculty AAA Harnag Anantnag 7006770421 tehseena.kowsar@aa.academy
7 Member (by board)(F) Dr Sabiya Hafeez Padder Director AAA Kanipora, Kulgam 8899700677 director@aa.academy
8 Member by Board (F) Ms. Parveena Banday Professor Bejbihara, Anantnag 7006056795 parveenabanday2016@gmail.com
9 Member by Board (M) Dr Waseem Bari Tak Professor Srinagar 9419017480 baritak@gmail.com
10 Member by Board (F) Dr Humaira Gowher Professor USA 13018202794 hgowher@purdue.edu
11 Member by Board (F) Ms. Myiesha T Padder Student USA 14102944576 mpadder2004@gmail.com
12 Member by board Parent (M) Mr. Khalid Ayaz Businessman Kulgam 9906962652 khalidayaz15@gmail.com
13 Member by board Parent (F) Ms. Gazalla Gul Teacher Nanibugh, Kulgam 7006837006 na
14 Member by board Parent (M) Mr. Nisar Ahmad Khanday Staff CEO Office DH pora 9622220632 nkhanday43@gmail.com
15 Member by board Parent (F) Ms. Kowsar Jan Staff - AAA Laroo, Kulgam 6006043180 jankowsar141@gmail.com
16 Member by board Parent (M) Mr Mubarik Ahmad Bhat Patwari Arreh, Kulgam 7006047632 mubarakche12@gmail.com
17 Member by board Parent (M) Mr Ishtiyaq Hussain Bhat Admin Central University Srandoo, Kulgam 9149580738 ishtiyaq.cukmr@gmail.com
18 Member by board Parent (M) Mr Javid Ahmad Naik Retired Judge Asnoor, Kulgam 6005622723 abufaad1187@gmail.com
19 Member by board Parent (F) Ms Ruby Jan Educationist Khee Jogipora 7006967348 rabiajan786@gmail.com
20 Member by board Parent (F) Ms. Sarawat Sana Advocate Asnoor, Kulgam 7006073630 foziamudasir@gmail.com
21 Member by board Parent (M) Mr Mashooq Ahmad Koul Bank Manager Kulpora, Kulgam 7006542778 mashooqkoul@gmail.com

The Powers and Functions of SMC:

1. It shall have the power to supervise the activities of the school for its smooth functioning.
2. It will work according to the specific directions given by the Society regarding admission policy. However, admissions will be made as per merit without discretion of caste/creed/religion and region.
3. It shall look into the welfare of the teachers and employees of the school.
4. It shall evolve both short-term and long-term programmes for the improvement of the school.
5. It shall have the powers for making appointment of teachers and non teaching staff.
6. It shall exercise financial powers beyond those delegated to the Principal within the budgetary provision of the school.
7. It shall have the power to take stock of academic programmes and progress of the school without jeopardising the academic freedom of Principal.
8. It shall guide the Principal to maintain tone and discipline in the school.
9. It shall ensure that the norms given in the Act of the State and by the CBSE regarding terms and conditions of service and other rules governing recognition/affiliation of the school are strictly adhered to.
10. It should ensure that the school gets Furniture, Science equipment, Library books and other teaching aids and the requisite sports material in adequate quantity and on time.
11. It shall exercise powers to take disciplinary action against staff.
12. It shall have powers to sanction leave to the Head of the Institution including casual leave.
13. It shall ensure that no financial irregularity is committed or any irregular procedure with regard to admission/examinations is adopted.
14. It shall have the power to propose to the Society rates of tuition fees and other annual charges and also review the budget of the school presented by the Principal for forwarding the same to Society for approval.
15. The Managing Committee will meet at least twice in an academic session.

Ayesha Ali Academy
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