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  WATOO   01  Aijaz Ahmad  6006191560  Chogalpora - Asnoor - Watoo
 ASNOOR  02  Mir Muzzafar  6006435887  Rambhama - Nihama - Yaroo - Gandwani - K B Pora - Baghbal - Avil - Korel - Asnoor
 CHIMMER  03  Khursheed Ahmad  9596126742  Adijan - Kourserbal - Nagam - D K Marg - Dregdan - Boh - Chimmer
 RINGETH  04  Mir Muzzafar  6006435887  D K Marg - Aadijan - Kourserbal - D H Pora - Ahmadabad - Nangripora - Khull Main - Adpora - Khull - Ringeth
 RESHINAGAR  05  Gowhar Banday  9149728968   Lakhadpora - Mondoogen - Reshinagar
 QAZIGUND  06  Majid Ahmad  6005417192   Qazigund Bonigam - Watihal - Y K Pra - Churath - Berigam - Sopat - Devsar - Pahloo - Bata Pora Vailoo - Chambgund - Arigutnoo - Gasi Raina
 NOONMAI  07  Zahid Khan  8082615257  Kharbrari - Kadder - Turigam - Noonmai - Kutbrari - Hanjar - Check Behibaag - Dadurkoot - Behibaag - Alamgung - Agroo - Zeban - Derapora - Sursuna
 KHANPORA  08  Mohd Haneef Khan  9596540275   Yaripora - Matibug - Khanpora - Yemrach
 SHIRPORA  09  Imtiyaz Ahmad Makroo  7006000512  Yaripora - Humshallibug - Kurkargund - Budroo - Shirpora - Awanira - Kujjar
 CHANSER  10  Raja Waseem  9541410912  Chanser - Shouch - Shalipora - Vess Batpora - Mohammadpora - Khee Jogipora - Katrasoo - Kadder - Qanosargam
 AWHATOO  11  Waseem Yousuf  9419788739   Chanser - Okey - Kchawalaan - Bumbrat - Arreh - Awhatoo
 KHREWAN CHADDER  12  Zubair Ahmad  9797216176  Mirpora - Ashmuji - Bhan - Chadder - Mulpora - Maah - Khrewan
 KANIPORA AWGAM  12-A  Zubair Ahmad  9797216176 Kanipora - Awgam
 AGROO  13  Aqib Shaban  7051245734  Aadpoora - Brazloo - Pahloo - Chekpora - Zungalpora - Tankepora - Boozgam - Hablish - Kilam - Agroo
 BALSOO  14  Tariq Ahmad  6005251453  Bugam Lonepora - Main Chok Bugam - Petrol Pump Balsoo - Govt School Balsoo - Tarigam
 KULPORA  14-A  Tariq Ahmad  6005251453  Srando - Jadipora - Kulpora
 DANEW-BOGUND  15  Ishtiyaq Ahmad  7889844736  Nanibugh - Bogund - Tolinowpora - Sopar - Danew Bogund - Wazirpora - Sheikhpora - Mokenpora - Sonigam
 KULGAM AIRTEL TOWER  15-A  Ishtiyaq Ahmad  7889844736  Shurat - Laroo Adda - Grid station - Sangas Crossing - Lakhadipora Masjid - Astangali - Airtel tower Near NEW TP Branch
 BONGAM-KULGAM  16  Rashid Ahmad  7006731909  Bypass Kulgam - Kulgam - Bongam Kulgam - Tehsil Office Kulgam - Tamil Kulgam
 BOGUND  16-A  Rashid Ahmad  7006731909  Srando - Bogund
 KHANBAL CHOWK  17  Aarif Ahmad  8082819871  Khanbal Chowk - Harnag - Wanpoh - Khudwani - Redwani - Qaimoh - Srandoo
 HARIWATH  18  Mohd Yousuf  9622980788  Harwath - Ladgoo - Gopalpora - Madergam - Mirhama - Narsengpora - Chawalgam
 KOUSARBAL  19  Muzzafar Ahmad  7889521479  Kounsarbal - Pazipora - Damhal Hanjipora - H M Guri - Adigan - Pombay - Mirhama
 AMNOO KULGAM  20  Mohd Rafiq  9149975736  Aamnu - Reshipora Kulgam - Sonar Kocha Kulgam - S P Office Kulgam - Chawalgam
 REBAN  21  Ansar Ahmad  7006041423   Reban - Hangalbuch - Katapora - Kanjikulla - Kanjikulla Waterfall
 KAPRAN  22  Mubarak Ahmad  7889396941  Rambhama - Samnoo - Kapren - Sehpor - Pariwan - Nillow - Tengbal - Mohipora - Okay - Chawalgam - Sangus
 ZONGALPORA  23  Mohd Altaf  9149856721  Zungalpora - Pahloo - Chiripora - Bata Pora Vailoo - Gasi Raina - Chambgund - Chattabal - Chehlan - Chawalgam
 KHUDWANI  24  Mohd Haroon  9906965089   Khudwani - Mutalhama - Ashmuji - Kulpora
 SHURAT LAROO  24-A  Mohd Haroon  9906965089   Shurat - Laroo
 RAMGARH  25  Mushtaq Ahmad  9858386796   Ramgarh - Bungam - Paniwah
 SANGUS  25-A  Mushtaq Ahmad  9858386796  Sangus - Kahrot - Zazripora


S No Distance Bus Charges (Both Sides)
01 0 - 02.00 Kms Rs 700
02 02.00 - 04.00 Kms Rs 850
03 04.00 - 06.00 Kms Rs 980
04 06.00 - 08.00 Kms Rs 1150
05 08.00 - 10.00 Kms Rs 1300
06 10.00 - 12.00 Kms Rs 1475
07 12.00 - 15.00 Kms Rs 1580
08 15.00 - 18.00 Kms Rs 1700
09 18.00 - 21.00 Kms Rs 1850
10 21.00 - 25.00 Kms Rs 2050

Student can avail Transport of the School Subjected to the availability of seats. The routes of the School buses are drawn up and the parents should consult the school Transport Manager in change for necessary details.


1) All students using the school bus are expected to wait patiently on the right side of the bus stop.
2) The buses will not wait for the late comers.
3) The children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
4) No student should come near the entry door of the bus until it has made a complete stop.
5) Students must occupy the vacant seats which are designated by the teacher bus in-charge.
6) The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
7) The drivers are instructed to stop buses at the designated stop, unless directed by the bus in-charge. The list of STOPS: is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and is subject to change.
8) When the bus is in motion, students must not move around in the bus and no part of their body should be outside the bus.
9) Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
10) Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by negligence or vandalism.
11) No student is allowed to eat in the bus.
12) Discarding of trash or food either inside or outside buses is not permitted.
13) Unruly behavior like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited. If continuously defying rules transport facility must not be distracted.
14) The driver's attention must not be distracted.
15) The bus teachers and student bus monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious offence must be reported to the Principal.
16) Students must travel only by buses allotted to them by the transport office.
17) Due to parents constant changing preferences of their ward's bus route and time constraints at moments, school vehicles may have to accommodate more students than actual capacity.
18) The school has a fleet of buses exclusively for its own use. We intend to cover main trunk and feeder routes. Specific buses routes will be determined at the beginning of the year. The school on chargeable basis will operate the bus service.
19) The bus fee will be charged per month irrespective of summer and winter vacation which has to be deposited in the school. The bus fee will be taken in advance along with school fees as per schedule.
20) School transport facility if once availed, cannot be discontinued without two months prior notice or two months payments in lieu of notice will be charged.

Ps. Note : For any bus related concern/suggestion or complaints, parents should directly meet Transport Manager.

The school has a fleet of buses exclusively for its own use. We intend to cover main trunk and feeder routes. Specific buses routes will be determined at the beginning of the year. The school on chargeable basis will operate the bus service.

The bus fees will be quarterly irrespective of summer and winter vacation which has to be deposited in the school in the form of Demand Draft/ Cash / Cheque. The bus fee will be taken in advance along with school fees. Please note that in between if you want to withdraw bus facility, you have to intimate the school in advance in the form of written application.

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